Buckstaff Bath House
The oldest continuing running bathhouse in the unequivocal village of Hot Springs, Arkansas is rich in history and authenticity with the original walls, plumbing, and mineral waters for which people have seeked healing powers for over a century. Enter the stone building on Historic Bath House Row, check in and an elevator assistant cranks up to the second floor for ladies lockers like those of jr. high. Men’s lockers are on the first floor. Attendants are same gender so if you are one of those men not wanting to be massaged by another, skip it. If you are game for the healing well being aspect, then come on in, strip behind the curtain and be draped in a toga sheet, Roman style. Wait with a magazine for just a tiny bit before being led to a personal old fashion tub for a 20-minute thermal bath and wash. Next is a hot towel wrap and maybe a nap. Then a steam box is opened where you sit, head plunked on a shelf as others pass by and you might wonder, was Mae West or Al Capone sitting here? Chances are good. Sit in the ten minute Sitz bath and finish up with a two minute needle pulse shower for a squeaky clean finish. Top it off with a 20-minute rub down, Swedish massage for an extra charge. This whole ritual is completely unique and as rejuvenating as any world-class resort spa. On the street, boutique shops are reasonably priced and restaurants abundant. Check out the Ohio Club, the oldest continuously operated bar in Arkansas where drinks are named for West and Capone, most definitely patrons. Residents of Hot Springs bring their water jugs to the circular spring faucets on Central Avenue for the same mineral water delivered to Buckstaff. This is the purest spring water we’ve ever tasted, absent of any sulfur or tinge. Hot Springs is a dichotomy of old time prohibition debauchery and historical renovations in progress – a great place to rediscover America. www.buckstaffbaths.com